Directed by Rob Marshall and Starring Johnny Depp, Ian McShane, Penelope Cruz and Geoffrey Rush
The fourth installment of Disney's fun-under-the-Caribbean-sun-money-maker opened a little over a week ago and after seeing it, I'm still on the fence on how I liked it. I suppose I could say that, yes, I did like it but perhaps the whole franchise has just lost some luster.
I thoroughly enjoyed the first Pirates movie and thought that it was absolutely fun and filled with wonderful characters, effects and adventure. However, the second and third installments were very disappointing and just way too weird and over the top for me. It almost seemed like they were written as an afterthought... like they were surprised with how well the first one did and wanted to ride the money train on it by making something more far out, weird and confusing.
On Stranger Tides did "feel" a little more like the first one but I could feel that the powers that be wanted to put some things in it to stay on par with the weirdness of the last two installments. There was just a feeling that they didn't really know which way they wanted to go with this one.
But, it was a fun adventure, well filmed, pretty descent effects and well worth a nice, cozy matinee ticket.
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