Directed by Robert Rodriguez and Starring Danny Trejo, Jessica Alba, Michelle Rodriguez, Steven Seagal, Jeff Fahey, Don Johnson, Cheech Marin and Robert De Niro
The first full blown motion picture from deep within the guts of the Tarantino/ Rodriguez baby, "Grindhouse" is a bloody and ridiculous fun ride (if you're in the mood for it, anyway).
Produced from a "fake trailer" that was one of many D-list movie trailers shown in between the "Grindhouse" double feature of Robert Rodriguez's "Planet Terror" and Quentin Tarantino's "Death Proof", the idea to bring back the art house D movie was both great and very entertaining. They provide exactly what you expect-- horribly made, overly bloody, and ridiculously unbelievable films that you don't care if they're blockbusters or not. They are simply brainless entertainment.
So, does "Machete" live up to the "Grindhouse" style and rebirthed genre?
It is gritty, saturated with blood, and utterly ridiculous with violence. I do have to say the one thing missing that I noticed. That was the cigarette burns and dirty film look. It seemed to clean and too well put together. I think if Rodriguez and Tarantino want a resurgence of this genre, this is one piece of branding they should keep a focus on.
Another thing. I'm all for using film as a stage for story and to raise questions on current affairs, but it seemed to me the politics thrown into "Machete" were overkill and instead of adding to the story, completely detracted from it. I understand the view point and the cultural relevance, but let's not lump all white people as gun-toting hicks who are filled with hate and ignorance, ok?
Over all, it is a very entertaining and brainless action movie. If that is something you don't mind and can appreciate, then go and enjoy to your heart's content. It's not necessary to see it in the theater, but definitely a great rental for guy's night (not sure I know any women who would enjoy it, though-- if you're out there, let me know what you think).
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