Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's Always the End of the World...

May 21, 2011.

The latest "prediction" of the coming day of judgement was a false one (at least I hope so, or myself and the rest of the world need to rethink our lives).  I know this is a few days after all the hulla-baloo but I'm a slow processor-- it takes me a little while to formulate and present thoughts on things I want to speak or write about.

So, what do I have to say about this?  Well, I am struck with the thought of all the time and energy spent on trying to figure out and convince so many about the end of the world.  It amazes me that a) people are so obsessed with cracking the "code" and having to be "the one" who is so amazingly intelligent that they figure it out (from the billions of people in the world) and b) what a horribly wasted life they lead.  A life filled with an obsession of the end of everything (death) is no life lived, in my opinion.  And, just to throw this out there: a true Christian would never predict the apocalypse.  A true Christian knows that " one will know the time or place..." and anyone who claims they do know?  Two words:  False. Prophet.

Maybe we should be worried less with the fears of the coming end of the world and concentrate a more positive energy toward learning to LIVE in the time and moments we have left while we have them.  So much of life is wasted on worry and fear of what's beyond our physical lives that the amazing things that surround us everyday are lost on us.  We fail to see beauty right in front of us when we are breaking our necks trying to look around at the broken, the uncontrollable and the darknesses.

My grandfather is 90 years old.  For the past five years, he has wasted away, just waiting to die.  He refuses to do anything because he is afraid.  He barely eats and he sleeps 15 to 20 hours a day.  When he isn't sleeping, he just sits in a chair and stares out the window; watching and waiting.  His weight and muscle mass has dropped drastically due to inactivity, his breathing is shallow and there is nothing left behind his eyes.  He is simply waiting to die.  I still love him very much but it's so hard to understand this mindset and it's not what I want to remember about him at all.
This is simply a comparison of the fear we choose to live by-- whether it's sitting around, waiting to die or sitting around trying to figure out a completely unknowable mystery of the universe and waiting to die.

I would rather spend my time focused on the more beautiful things that surround us in our lives.  I would rather choose the path of life; it is painful, hard, lonely, frustrating and filled with the most beautiful things God could ever share.  A life focused on death is easy, irresponsible and lazy.

Find something beautiful and live...




  1. So sorry to hear that about your grandfather. Very sad. But what you said is so true. Thanks for saying it! Love you.

  2. Thanks Rachelle! I miss the crap out of you guys!
