Monday, May 30, 2011

In Memory and in Honor...

Memorial Day.  May 30, 2011.

In memory and in honor to all those who have served, continue to serve and to those fallen who have paid the ultimate price so that we can live and breathe free until our final breaths leave us.

In memory and honor to my Mother, who served her country for over thirty years and recently retired from her service in highest regard.  She was serving in the Pentagon on that 11th day in September, 2001. Thank you for your time and sacrifice.  You served your country above and beyond.

In memory and honor to my Grandfather, Roy E. Shipman, who served in the Pacific campaign of Guadalcanal in 1942.  He was 21 at the time; a young country boy who worked a farm in the middle of a small town in the middle of Missouri.
What he saw changed him; his friends dying or dead lying beside him for days in a wet, muddy foxhole, a thousand dead (American and Japanese) scattered as far as his eyes could see, the lives he had to take in defense, the violence one man takes against another witnessed first hand on such a grand scale, and so much more.  To this day, he is unable to talk for any length of time or in much detail about his time there.  But, he went so that we might be free from the tyranny that had attacked our shores at Pearl Harbor.
My Grandfather fought and suffered loss like so many others, and felt guilty that he lived while so many did not.

In memory and in honor.

In memory and in honor we take today to lift up those who've sacrificed so much for things we take for granted everyday, for freedoms we cherish and for the lives we are able to live.

You are remembered always and we honor you.  Thank you.


Here are a few recent Memorial Day worthy movies that capture in art the many sacrifices given:

Saving Private Ryan
The Thin Red Line

HBO's Band of Brothers and The Pacific

and if you don't mind a little too much "hollywood", check out Pearl Harbor & The Patriot



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